In this article:
Lists all existing filters for security groups and their descriptions. One or more filters can be applied.
Request Parameters#
Filter.N — One or more filters.
Type: List of Filter objects
Required: No
GroupId.N — IDs of security groups.
Type: Array of strings
Required: No
GroupName.N — Names of security groups.
Type: Array of strings
Required: No
Supported Filters#
description — The description of the security group.
group-id — The ID of the security group.
group-name — The name of the security group.
ip-permission.cidr — The IPv4 CIDR of the network that is granted access to the security group .
ip-permission.from-port — The start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code. — The ID of a security group for which access is granted.
ip-permission.protocol — IP protocol name or number (see Protocol Numbers). — The end of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code.
owner-id — The ID of the project.
tag-key — The tag key. Such a filter allows you to get resources with the specified key and any value.
tag:<tag-key> — The key/value a pair of a tag. The tag key is passed in the filter name, while the tag value is used as the filter value.
vpc-id — The ID of the VPC in which the security group is created.
Response Elements#
requestId — The request ID
Type: String
securityGroupInfo — Information about security groups.
Type: List of SecurityGroup objects
c2-ec2 DescribeSecurityGroups Filter.1.Name ip-permission.from-port Filter.1.Value.1 555 Filter.1.Value.2 666
c2-ec2 DescribeSecurityGroups Filter.1.Name ip-permission.protocol Filter.1.Value.1 tcp
c2-ec2 DescribeSecurityGroups Filter.1.Name ip-permission.protocol Filter.1.Value.1 17
c2-ec2 DescribeSecurityGroups Filter.1.Name owner-id Filter.1.Value.1 <project_name>
c2-ec2 DescribeSecurityGroups Filter.1.Name tag:<tag-key> Filter.1.Value <tag-value>
c2-ec2 DescribeSecurityGroups Filter.1.Name tag-key Filter.1.Value <tag-key>