

Request for the backup description.

Request Parameters#

  • BackupVaultName — The name of the backup vault.

    • Type: String

    • Required: Yes

  • RecoveryPointArn — The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a backup.

    • Type: String

    • Required: Yes

Response Elements#

  • BackupVaultArn — The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the backup vault.

    • Type: String

  • BackupVaultName — The name of the backup vault.

    • Type: String

  • CalculatedLifecycle.DeleteAt — Estimated time to delete a backup.

    • Type: Timestamp

  • CompletionDate — Time when the backup was completed.

    • Type: String

  • CreatedBy.BackupPlanArn — The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the backup plan.

    • Type: String

  • CreatedBy.BackupPlanId — The backup plan ID.

    • Type: String

  • CreatedBy.BackupRuleId — The backup rule ID.

    • Type: String

  • CreationDate — The time when the snapshot was created.

    • Type: Timestamp

  • IsConsistent — Indicates whether the backup is consistent.

    • Type: Boolean

  • Lifecycle.DeleteAfterDays — Number of days from the backup creation date, after which it will be deleted.

    • Type: Timestamp

  • RecoveryPointArn — The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a backup.

    • Type: String

  • ResourceArn — The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the protected resource.

    • Type: String

  • ResourceType — The type of the protected resource.

    • Type: String

    • Valid values: EC2

  • Status — The backup status.

    • Type: String

    • Valid values: COMPLETED | DELETING


c2-bs DescribeRecoveryPoint BackupVaultName Default RecoveryPointArn arn:c2:ec2:::image/cmi-00000000